Built on Hustle. Sustained by Passion.

We’ve Got What You Need.

We believe that traditional marketing simply won’t cut it, and experience-based consumerism is now king. We know that customers demand more innovation, more interaction, and more transparency than ever before. Dive in with us as we create the most impactful integrated marketing strategies.

We’ve Got Your Back.

Consider us your integrated marketing department. We synergize with our clients in a way that is unique, and we become an extension of those companies. We are fiercely loyal, exceptional stewards of your marketing budgets, always accessible and, ready to roll up our sleeves to grow your brand beyond imagination.

The Right Tools. The Right Solution.

Navigating the consumer-centric world to build a brand is tough, which is why we believe strongly in automation to allow you to scale your business with ease. We empower our clients with real time data, analytics and creative direction to ensure you are ready to pivot to meet the consumer demands. A creative idea is only as good as what the data dictates. Your marketing ROI is paramount.

Transforming Brands Through Creativity and Focus

Creative Marketers 

At the heart of an engagement with IMC, we plan, design, execute, and measure a mix of proactive short- and long-term marketing programs, based on the goals established in the Brand Strategy phase. As a full-service marketing firm, we iterate on your plan until the right formula is in place. And we don’t stop working until we hit your goals, even if that means working on our own dime.

Intelligent 360 Campaigns

Our brand strategy work allows us to come to a collective understanding of who you are as a company, what your brand stands for in the market, who you serve, and where you’re going. We align your organization around the issues that could hinder a marketing program down the road. Your deliverable – our Brand Strategy Blueprint – gives you a strong foundation for years to come and a springboard for immediate action.

Content Driven Campaigns 

Building a goal-driven content strategy isn’t a one-off task. It requires constant management and care. As your company grows, its goals and objectives may change. Market conditions and customer needs may also evolve along the way. It’s thus important to review your content strategy regularly to make sure it’s still relevant and in line with your content goals.

Measurable Results 

We believe that good marketing starts and ends with data. That’s why our analytics and insights practice sits at both the beginning and end of an engagement with IMC. As the wrapper around other brand, sales, and marketing efforts, we use data to empower understanding, glean reports for insights, tweak and test every initiative, and then communicate actionable recommendations that impact your bottom line.

We're Here To Help Your Business

For Us, It’s Personal.  Marketing Strategy with an Individual Approach.

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation, and Sheer Determination